A big thank you to the volunteers and organizers of our first

Culture Day and AOS Judging Outreach Event!

I hope everyone found it to be a fun and informative day and we hope to make it an annual event.

Monthly meeting

of the

Foothills Orchid Society

Our next meeting will be held on:

Monday, November 25, 7:00 to 9:30 pm

Our guest speaker

will be

Dr. Leslie Ee

He talk is titled “Black Orchids: The Lure, The lust and Licentiouness”

This month we are excited to be joined by Dr. Leslie Ee, an AOS Accredited Judge with the Toronto judging centre as well as President of the Canadian Orchid Congress. He has experience growing many varieties over 30 years, but his favourites are Cattleya species, Paphiopedilum species, novelty Phalaenopsis, and miniatures.

NOTE: This meeting will also be shared on Zoom for those members that are unable attend in person. A link will be sent out prior to the meeting.

Our regular monthly meetings are held from 7 to 9:30 pm at the Marda Loop Communities Association Hall, 3130 - 16th Street S.W., Calgary.