Monthly meeting
of the
Foothills Orchid Society
Our next meeting will be held on:
Monday, december 16, 7:00 to 9:30 pm
This month
is our
holiday potluck and social
Members are encouraged to bring their favourite holiday treats to share
Also, we will be having our Shabby Plant Show again this year…
Submit photos of your problem plants; its a great chance to get advice from fellow members (check the newsletter for more details)
The society will supply coffee, tea and family friendly punch along with plates and utensils.
(Note: We will be having our usual show table, but there will not be a silent auction this month)
This event is an in-person event only
Our regular monthly meetings are held from 7 to 9:30 pm at the Marda Loop Communities Association Hall, 3130 - 16th Street S.W., Calgary.